Undergraduate Application Process
Application Process
Whether you know exactly where you're going or you have no idea, we're here to help you get there. On this page, we'll walk you through the undergraduate application and admission process one step at a time.

Step 1: Apply & Submit Fee
We're excited about your application to Bethel University! Please follow the steps below to be on your way to Becoming You.
- Complete the Online Application.
- Pay the $30 Application Fee directly to the Business Office at 325 Cherry Ave. McKenzie, TN 38201, by calling (731) 352-4050, or online at Bethel Payments. Contact Admissions at 731-342-4030 or email admissions@bethelu.edu to find out if you qualify for a waiver.
Once you apply for admission to Bethel University, you will receive communication on a more personal level from one of our In-House Recruiters. Each of our staff members are trained to help you through each step of the college admission process. Within two weeks of your application submission, we will notify you of our admissions decision.
Step 2: Admission Requirements
First-Time Freshman Required Documents
- Official High School Transcripts: Request your official high school transcript to be sent to Bethel University directly from your school guidance counselor/records or registrar’s office. Please send one of the following: junior transcript, 7th (Christmas of senior year) semester transcript, or final transcript.
- ACT or SAT Scores: Request your official ACT/SAT scores to be sent to Bethel University directly from your school guidance counselor/records or registrar’s office. These may also be requested from www.act.org or www.collegeboard.org.
Applicants will need to notify their enrollment counselor to fill out a test-optional form.
For acceptance into the education program, applicants must submit an ACT test score.
- Dual Enrollment Transcripts: Request all Dual Enrollment Transcripts to be sent directly from the college(s) attended.
- AP Scores: Request all AP credits are sent directly from www.collegeboard.org.
Two of the following three are required for acceptance (if two of the three requirements are not met, please provide two letters of recommendation):
- 2.25 GPA on a 4.0 scale
- 18 composite on ACT or 960 on SAT (scores are not required if the student has been out of high school three years or longer)
- Top 50% of your graduating class
Each student admitted to Bethel University must have earned the minimum high school units as follows:
- English: 4 Units
- Mathematics: 2 Units
- Natural/Physical Science: 2 Units (one must be a lab science)
- Social Sciences: 2 Units (foreign language is not required but highly recommended)
Early Admission Required Documents
Our Early Admissions Program is for talented students who wish to enter college at the end of their junior year of high school. If you are a high school student interested in early admission, please visit the Early Admission page.
Transfer Students Required Documents
- College Transcript(s): All previous college transcripts must be sent officially from the university(ies) attended
- College Transfer Form: This form will need to be completed by you and the Dean of Students from the last university you attended.
If you have not completed 12 credit hours at the last college attended, Bethel University Admissions requires that your official high school transcript and ACT/SAT scores be sent in to accompany college transcripts. (ACT/SAT scores are not required if the student has been out of high school three years or longer).
Please visit the Transfer Student page for more info.
Re-Admittance Required Documents
- If you are a former Bethel student and would like to be readmitted, please complete the Readmission Form and send to admissions@bethelu.edu.
Step 3: Review Tuition & Fees
We know that cost is one of the main factors you take into account when choosing where to go to school. Bethel is committed to bringing transparency to educational costs and helping you find financial aid.
Step 4: Complete the FAFSA
Most students are eligible for some form of financial aid. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) determines each student's financial need and determines whether the student qualifies for grants, loans, scholarships, etc.
Bethel University FAFSA Code: 003480
You should receive your Student Aid Report (SAR) Information Acknowledgment in the mail or email within one week of completing your FAFSA. The SAR summarizes the information you reported on your FAFSA and should be reviewed for accuracy. If corrections are needed, make them online at FAFSA.gov or correct the SAR and mail it to the address provided.
Step 5: Complete Financial Aid Documents
We want to help you become you with as little debt as possible. Financial aid is available in the form of scholarships, grants, loans, and federal work-study. The federal government, state of Tennessee, lending institutions, and private agencies may offer financial aid assistance.
Step 6: Review Financial Aid Awards
Review your financial aid awards on ePortal. Be sure to complete the Master Promissory Note and Entrance Counseling as directed. Contact the Business Office at (731) 352-4050 with questions or set up a payment plan at Bethel Payments.
Step 7: Submit Fees
Each student must pay the following fees before classes are assigned:
- $175 Housing Deposit
- $15 Residence Hall Fee
Students may pay their fees directly to the Business Office at 325 Cherry Ave. McKenzie, TN 38201, by calling (731) 352-4050, or online at Bethel Payments.
Step 8: Choose Registration Date
- Registration: Students enrolling at Bethel University College of Arts and Sciences must participate in the registration process. Please select your registration date online at Bethel Registration and complete the online forms. Your recruiter will be in touch with you on your next step to take.
Step 9: Submit Immunizations and Health Insurance
- Immunization Requirements for Admission: TDAP, MMR, Varicella, and Meningitis. Immunization records are required documents. Send your records to our Immunization Coordinator at eschc@bethelu.edu or fax 731-352-6804. Call (731) 352-4291 with questions.
- Proof of Valid Health Insurance is required for all students, with the exception of commuters who are not involved in any extra-curricular activities. Please email insurance cards or direct questions concerning insurance coverage or opting out to insurance@bethelu.edu or call (731) 352-6923.
Step 10: Housing Check-In
If you plan to live in our Residence Halls, you will be contacted by the Director of Housing after you have received your academic class schedule. For more information regarding housing, please visit the Housing page.
Step 11: Attend Freshman Orientation
All new first-time students are required to attend freshman orientation. Dates are still being determined at this time. Classes start on Monday, August 10. For more information regarding orientation details, please contact Sandy Louden at loudens@bethelu.edu or call (731) 352-4095.
Contact Us
For help with admissions, please contact us. We are happy to help. Call us at 844-Bethel1 or email us at admissions@bethelu.edu.